A full-service custom team gear company specializing in baseball and softball uniforms. Start your custom team gear order today! And don't forget to check out GUTSY ATHLETIC STORE for our selection of stock items!
High-Quality Garments & Awesome
Customer Experience
We care about people and building long-lasting relationships with our customers. We work to provide you with high-quality gear for your athletes, so they can perform at their best. We listen and understand that what you need may not be the same as another team. Trust in our knowledge, and experience to guide you through the custom ordering process.
“Customer service shouldn’t just be a department, it should be the entire company.”
Our experienced staff has worked with over forty-two hundred athletic programs nationwide.
We have also delivered over thirty-seven thousand designs to baseball and softball teams around the country.
(616) 229-0980
Whether designing for some of the world’s largest athletic brands, or local team gear needs, Gutsy Baseball has everything you need to accomplish your vision, all in one place.